@Georg Icking-Konert - will you release your Bootloader-App under a GPL

> Hi,
> my name is Georg (Georg O.) to make a difference ;) -
> I also wrote a UART-Flasher utility for STM8 - it is based on stm32flasher
> as the share a similar bootloader protocoll. I must admit that stm8flasher
> is a bit of a hack and only tested on STM8S105C6 - so I am happy to here
> that there is an alternative to it. When I find time I will try your
> flashsoftware and maybe drop stm8flasher.
> In any case here is the link:
> http://sourceforge.net/p/oggstreamer/stm8flasher/ci/master/tree/
> best wishes, Georg O.
>> Am 05.04.2014 um 19:36 schrieb Master Postfach <1860-...@onlinehome.de>:
>> hi,
>> in below contribution I wanted to share a Windows/Linux/MacOSX
>> application
>> which allows uploading code to the STM8 via the built-in boot loader
>> (i.e.
>> not via SWIM). It is similar to the "Flash Loader Demonstrator" by STM,
>> but portable. Since attachments seem to be removed automatically, I've
>> uploaded it to http://www.cream-tea.de/public/STM_BSL_flasher.zip  Hope
>> somebody finds it useful...
>> Regards, Georg
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:17:06 +0100
>>> From: Georg Icking-Konert <ge...@cream-tea.de>
>>> Subject: [Sdcc-user] STM8 bootloader flash software
>>> To: sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> Message-ID: <5d0c9a46-c9eb-459d-b85e-04601f2bf...@cream-tea.de>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
>>> hello all,
>>> since a few weeks I?m evaluating SDCC for STM8, and I have to say I?m
>>> impressed! :-)  But while the compiler is portable, uploading the
>>> generated code to the STM8 is still quite complicated. Specifically I
>>> had to switch to Win running under VirtualPC, and then upload via
>>> "Flash
>>> Loader Demonstrator? (boot loader via USB), or the "Visual Programmer?
>>> (ST-Link via SWIM). Both applications are available on the STM
>>> homepage,
>>> but both are Win only.
>>> At least for the first method I was able to develop a simple
>>> alternative. Attached please find v0.1 of a flash loader software
>>> communicating with STM8?s boot loader via USB. It has been successfully
>>> tested under MacOSX 10.9, Ubuntu and Windows 7. To compile just "make
>>> all? (Posix) or use DevCpp (Win). For usage just launch the SW with
>>> option "-h?. For a list of available ports just double-click the SW.
>>> The
>>> SW is self-contained and doesn?t need admin rights or an installation.
>>> Just copy it to where it suits you best.
>>> Here a few development details:
>>> for simplicity I included the required STM8 flash w/e routines into the
>>> binary (see folder ?STM8_Routines?)
>>> supported file formats are Intel hex (SDCC default) and Motorola S19
>>> (Cosmic default). The S37 format, which can be specified for SDCC is
>>> not
>>> yet supported
>>> Thanks again and have a nice day,
>>> Georg
>>> PS: if you have problems with the tool, please let me know
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>>> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
>>> Name: STM_BSL_flasher.zip
>>> Type: application/zip
>>> Size: 40492 bytes
>>> Desc: not available
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>>> ------------------------------
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