I'm confident its user error, but I seem to be unable to program my
PIC16F628A (it's my first foray into the world of PICs, been working with
arm M4's). All I'm trying to do is turn on LED outputs, but I this doesn't
seem to be working. I'm trying to use the internal 4MHz oscillator, all the
port A and B pins (so everything except for VDD and VSS) are connected to a
10K resistor and LED. This is all done on a breadboard, so it's possible
there is an error in the wiring, but it appears to be correct.
I'm using a PicKIT 2 to program it (and it can correctly auto identify the
device as a PIC16F628A) and believes it successfully flashes the device.
This leads to me to believe I have a good chip, and the ICSP worked out
I'm attempting to build with SDCC, with the appended code, but I don't get
any thing on any of the output pins, it simply sits there after power on.
Are there any obvious errors here?
Thanks for your time.
#include "pic16f628a.h"
unsigned int __at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _INTOSC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & // Internal
_WDT_OFF & // No Watchdog
_LVP_OFF & // No Low-Volt
_DATA_CP_OFF & // No Code Protect
static unsigned char count;
void main(void) {
CMCON |= 0x07; // Disable comparators. NEEDED FOR NORMAL PORTA
TRISB = 0x00; // Set port B as all outputs
TRISA = 0x00; // Set port A as all outputs
while(1) {}
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