Dear gputils users,

gputils-0.14.2 has been released. The source code package is available at Widows 32bit setup package is at

gputils 0.14.2 feature list:

 * partial .inc file synchronization with MPLABX 1.20
 * fixed COD file generation for devices with program memory > 64KB
 * gpvc improvements
 * added devices 16f720, 16lf720, 16f721, 16lf721
 * man pages updated
 * genaration of absolute coff file (F_ABSOLURE header flag)
 * added regression test for pic 14 bit enhanced devices

Numerous feature requests, bug fixes and internal enhancements are included as well. For the detailed list see the ChangeLog file.

If you find regressions or other bugs, please report them to the bug tracker on SourceForge. Feel free to give feedback on the gnupic mailing list.


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