Dear sdcc developers,

I made a test with sdcc, using two arrays, each is 60 bytes long.
The target MCU is PIC16F1938. It is a 14 bit enh. core device with enough 
memory for these arrays.
The two array should be allocated into separate banks, because they are 
together larger than the free space in one ram bank.

After trying to complie and link, I got the following error:
no target memory available for section "UDL_test_0"

The souce code:
// Test: Using two arrays
// Gives an error: no target memory available for section "UDL_test_0"
#include "pic16f1938.h"
// Configuration: 8MHz crystal, PLL (x4 = 32MHz), WDT disabled, Flash self 
write disabled.
unsigned short __at(_CONFIG1) config1Reg = (_FCMEN_OFF & _IESO_OFF & _BOREN_ON 
unsigned short __at(_CONFIG2) config2Reg = (_LVP_ON & _BORV_HI & _STVREN_ON & 

#define ARRAY_1_LEN             60
static unsigned char array1[ARRAY_1_LEN];
#define ARRAY_2_LEN             60
static unsigned char array2[ARRAY_2_LEN];

// Entry point required by sdcc.
void _sdcc_gsinit_startup(void) {
  //__asm pagesel _main __endasm;
  __asm goto _main __endasm;

void main (void) {
        unsigned short i;
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_1_LEN; i++) {
                array1[i] = i;
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_2_LEN; i++) {
                array2[i] = i;
        while (1) {

Compilation and linking:
sdcc -S -mpic14 -p16f1938 -I. test.c
sdcc -S -mpic14 -p16f1938 -I. pic16f1938.c
gpasm -c test.asm
gpasm -c pic16f1938.asm
gpasm -c _gptrget1.S
gplink -s 16f1938_g.lkr test.o pic16f1938.o _gptrget1.o

gpasm-0.14.1 (Jan  1 2012)
SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/z180/r2k/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/ds400/hc08 3.1.1 #7
148 (Jan  3 2012) (MINGW32)

Is this a bug or did I forgot something?

Best regards,
Tamas Butuza

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