
> sudo sdcc  -mpic16 -I /usr/local/share/sdcc/non-free/include/ -L
> /usr/local/share/sdcc/non-free/lib/pic16  --use-non-free test1.c

Using "sudo" here is not necessary and even dangerous: sdcc could
decide to overwrite important files ...
Additionally (and more towards your problem), you are lacking the
-p18f2455 compiler switch, which tells sdcc the target device.

> message: using default linker script
> "/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr/18f452.lkr"    ##### Note 18f452 here!

sdcc (and thus gplink) selects the 18f452 as the default target, which
leads to the trouble you experienced. Use
sdcc -mpic16 -m18f2455 [...]
and you should be fine, although the deprecation warning on the
__CONFIG directive remains :-( Seems to work, though.

Kind regards


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