Am 12.07.2011 15:38, schrieb Lin Rongrong:
> After another half hour compile with --no-peep option, I sadly found the 
> same problem. Seems that the peephole optimizer is not the source of error.
> Woody

While I have no idea what kind of program results in such long compile
times using the defaults setting, you might try setting
--max-allocs-per-node 1000 or so during bug-hunting to save time.

Sometimes it helps even doing a kind of bisect on the
--max-allocs-per-node parameter, since there are bugas that will not
occour at low values, and when a bug appears e.g. at 102 and above , but
not at 101 and below, diffing the asm output using 102 vs. 101 can help
finding the exact location in the code that is affected by the bug.


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