
I am not compiler developper but I learnt it from documentation and books (please 
follow "next >>>" link)

Ok, you might be right in regard Java source code and bytecode.

Well, I am not completely sure and it might be that you right that "C" 
is not "RTL" any more as it was years ago.

Now it looks like "Language Source Code" -> AST -> RTL -> RTL 
optimization -> Assembly -> Linker -> Binary code.

Sorry for some misleading information, I read documentation about 
internals of GCC compiler a few years (probably 6 years ago) and quite 
big changes happened since then.

NOTE: I am not teaching but installing/configuring/suppoting IT 


Arkadi Shishlov wrote:

>Andrey Vlassov wrote:
>>If you ask them what really happens when they click "Compile" or "Run" 
>>you will get wrong answer.
>Half of what you wrote about compilation sequence is obviously wrong. If you 
>ever going to teach people about the topic, please first make clear how it 
>really works for yourself.
>>For most IDE the sequence is next:
>>1. save file
>>2. regenerate makefile (if it required)
>>3. run "make" (or other equivalent)
>>4. "make" runs compiler
>>5. compiler takes for example C++ code (.cpp)
>>6. compiler runs preprocessor (.cpp)
>>7. compiler converts C++ into C (.c)
>>8. compiler runs C optimizer (.c)
>>9. compiler converts C into ASM (.asm)
>>10. compiler runs ASM optimizer (.asm)
>>11. compiler runs ASM compiler (.obj)
>>12. compiler runs linker (.exe/.com/.bin/.ihx/.out)
>>But system can get even more complicated (GNU Compiler Collection)
>>C++ -> C
>>Objective-C -> C
>>Pascal -> C
>>Ada -> C
>>Java -> C
>>Fortran -> C
>>C -> Assembly
>>Assembly -> binary code
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