
Since you mention Silabs, I assume you have tried the SDCC compiler from within 
the Silabs IDE. It is a very easy setup and seems to work well. I have done a 
simple project starting from scratch and all went just like it did with my old 
compiler (Keil-based Franklin). However, like you, I would be hard pressed to 
use SDCC outside the Silabs environment. Good thing I do not have the need at 
the moment :-)

TI does have some useful app notes about SDCC, in order to facilitate its usage 
with their MSC1210 processor. They do not have an IDE, so you may find useful 
info for your case.
You may want to look at those. I have found a fairly detailled 
app-note/procedure to recompile SDCC with floating point support under 
Windows/cygwin, even though I have just read it and not used it myself. It may 
be for an older version of SDCC, I do not have it on this computer at the 
moment. If you have a hard time finding it, let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Erlacher
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Sdcc-user] Virus in SDCC-2.8.0-setup.exe - MD5 etc tutorial

see below, please.


Richard Erlacher
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frieder Ferlemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Sdcc-user] Virus in SDCC-2.8.0-setup.exe - MD5 etc tutorial

> Hi Richard,
> Richard Erlacher schrieb:
>> words, ... like NOT ... I won't have time for it either.  I've been
>> trying to figure out how to get anything useful out of SDCC, but the
>> instructions for Windows (Yes, I'm one of those ...)tell you how to
>> build it, but say nothing about how to use it.
> I cannot follow you there. Don't f.e. sections:
> 2.7 Testing the SDCC Compiler
> 3.13 Inline Assembler Code
> 3.13.1 A Step by Step Introduction
> tell you (platform independently) how to use SDCC?
Not quite ... that is, not from the extremely basic level.  For example ...
Assume that I have code that runs in another environment and now I want to 
compile it into an executable for my MCU.  I'm staring at a Windows Desktop ... 
now what?  The <3.13.1 A Step by Step Introduction> refers to inline assembly 
language code.  Maybe a few words about where to start would be a good thing.
> Or are you looking for a C reference/textbook/tutorial and expect the
> SDCC manual to be one of these?
No ... those are widely available.  I'd expect information on how to use THIS 
compiler/linker/assembler, etc. though.
>> I just reported that virus detection in the latest SDCC file set.  My
>> scanner seems to have found and removed it, but there are folks who
>> may not be so lucky.
>> I did understand that those programs are checksum/CRC verification tools.
>> I'd just never seen 'em or heard of 'em before, nor do I know where
>> they're to be found.
> Comparing just the md5sum (on a clean system) would be enough.
Well, that may, at least, lead to an answer to the question regarding the 
downloaded file set.  A clean system is never a problem.  I use removable
(frame+tray) hard drives and always have at least one, for each system, that 
has never been present when attached to the internet or even the LAN.
Sanitizing files acquired via the www is sometimes tricky, so they seldom see 
the "clean" drives.
> Greetings,
> Frieder
Thanks for the comments, Frieder.  I'm not complaining.  I'm just lamenting 
that I've lost my way.  Perhaps I'm looking for that trail of bread crumbs.
Being oriented to ASM and macros rather than HLL's for small code body, I 
haven't made 'C' a priority for MCU development.  However, as SiLabs, for 
example, has put its primary thrust into supporting the compilers (KEIL,
SDCC) rather than ASM with its app-notes, etc, I'm taking another look.
> Richard Gray wrote:
>> md5sum etc are standard utilities on most unix/linux systems. I
>> cannot speak for Windoze, but I kinda doubt MS can be bothered, but
>> there are probably 3rd party versions available - if you can trust
>> those!
> :)

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