> Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
>> Place another .area _CODE before the .area _GSINIT?
> OK, I tried that, but it didn't  make any difference, _GSINIT is still 
> in RAM.
> But thanks for trying!  
> Randy

Umm, sorry, works fine here though. Looking at crt0.map I see that
gsinit is placed after all the code.
I meant to add the additional .area _CODE before the last .area _GSINIT
in your crt0.s, not the first one.
The end of my crt0.s (I just removed the header stuff for readability):

        ;; Ordering of segments for the linker - copied from sdcc crt0.s
        .area _HOME
        .area _CODE
        .area   _GSINIT
        .area   _GSFINAL

        .area _DATA
        .area _BSS
        .area _HEAP

        .area _CODE

nmi:    push af
        push bc
        push de
        push hl
        ;push ix ; saved by callee
        push iy
        call _cv_vint
        pop iy
        ;pop ix
        pop hl
        pop de
        pop bc
        pop af

        .area _GSINIT
        .area _GSFINAL

>From crt0.map:

     0000    l__CABS
     0000    l__HEAP
     0000    l__HOME
     0000    l__OVERLAY
     0000    s__HEADER
     0001    l__GSFINAL
     0003    l__BSS
     003A    l__GSINIT
     02C8    l__DATA
     7000    s__DATA
     72C8    s__BSS
     72CB    s__CABS
     72CB    s__HEAP
     72CB    s__OVERLAY
     7CBB    l__CODE
     803A    l__HEADER
     8100    s__CODE
     FDBB    s__GSINIT
     FDBB    s__HOME
     FDF5    s__GSFINAL

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