
I am probably doing something wrong, but I can't figure out how
to get _GSINIT into the code section.  I'm compiling for z80, and
using link options:
 -mz80  --no-std-crt0  --code-loc 0x4100 --data-loc 0x8000

The target z80 based system has existing firmware at 0x0000-3fff.
That firmware has provision to call a user app in dataflash at 0x4000-7fff.
There is RAM available for this user app at 0x8000-bfff.
The system RAM & stack is at 0xC000-ffff.

A very simple example is pasted below, including my crt0.s, makefile, and
contents of the .map file generated.  The problem is that the *code* 
that inits
the variable "x" is landing at 0x8002, in RAM, right after the two bytes 
by the "int x" at 0x8000.

Googling [sdcc gsinit] finds several examples of ".area GSINITx (CODE)",
but I just get an undefined symbol error if I use ".area _GSINIT (CODE)"
in my crt0.s.  Also, the assembler manual doesn't show "CODE" as a
valid .area option.

I am using SDCC 2.7.0 #4818 (May 31 2007) (MINGW32)
on an AMD K7 under win98.

Also tried 2.7.3 #4913 (Sep 15 2007) (MINGW32)
with same results.


-------------- start of example.c ------------

int x = 1;

int main(void) {

  return x;
-------------- end of example.c ------------

--------------- start of crt0.s ---------------------

    .module crt0
    .globl    _main

    .area    _HEADER (ABS)
    .org 0x4000        
    call    gsinit
    call    _main
    jp        0x0000

    ;; Ordering of segments for the linker.
    .area    _HOME
    .area    _CODE
        .area   _GSINIT
        .area   _GSFINAL

    .area    _DATA
        .area   _BSS
        .area   _HEAP

        .area   _GSINIT

        .area   _GSFINAL
-------------- end of crt0.s ----------------------------        

-------------- start of makefile ----------------------------

# makefile for "example.c"

TARGET = example
SRC = example.c
ASRC = crt0.s

CODELOC = 0x4100
DATALOC = 0x8000

###CC = "G:/Program Files/SDCC/bin/sdcc"
###AS = "G:/Program Files/SDCC/bin/as-z80"

# Try latest snapshot.  (sdcc-snapshot-i586-mingw32msvc-20070915-4913.zip)
CC = "G:/projects/SDCC/snap/sdcc/bin/sdcc"
AS = "G:/projects/SDCC/snap/sdcc/bin/as-z80"

SHELL = sh
REMOVE = rm -f
COPY = cp

# Define all object files.
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(ASRC:.s=.o)

# Define all listing files.
LST = $(SRC:.c=.lst) $(ASRC:.s=.lst)

# Default target.
all : $(TARGET).hex

# Link object files.
$(TARGET).hex: $(OBJ)
    @echo "Linking: $@"
    $(CC) -mz80  --no-std-crt0  --code-loc $(CODELOC) --data-loc 
$(DATALOC) $^ -o $@
# Compile: create object files from C source files.
%.o : %.c
    @echo Compiling: $<
    $(CC) -mz80 -c $< -o $@

# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files.
%.o : %.s
    @echo Assembling: $<
    $(AS) -ls -o $@ $<
# cheat sheet
# $@   the target of the rule
# $<   the first dependency
# $^   all the dependencies
# Clean up project directory.
    @echo Cleaning project:
    $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).hex
    $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).map
    $(REMOVE) $(OBJ)
    $(REMOVE) $(LST)
    $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.asm)
    $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.sym)
    $(REMOVE) $(ASRC:.s=.sym)

# coz I'm lazy, do "make clean" & "make all", in one step.
clean_all: clean all

# Listing of phony targets.
.PHONY : all clean clean_all

--------------- end of makefile -------------------------------

--------------- start of example.map -------------------------------


Area                               Addr   Size   Decimal Bytes (Attributes)
--------------------------------   ----   ----   ------- ----- ------------
.  .ABS.                           0000   0000 =      0. bytes (ABS,CON)

      Value  Global
   --------  --------------------------------
     0000    l__BSS
     0000    l__CABS
     0000    l__HEAP
     0000    l__HOME
     0000    l__OVERLAY
     0000    s__HEADER
     0001    l__GSFINAL
     0002    l__DATA
     0004    l__CODE
     000C    l__GSINIT
     4009    l__HEADER
     4100    s__CODE
     8000    s__DATA
     8002    s__GSINIT   <<<<---------------- ******* THIS NEEDS TO GO 
     8002    s__HOME
     8002    s__OVERLAY
     800E    s__GSFINAL
     800F    s__BSS
     800F    s__CABS
     800F    s__HEAP


Area                               Addr   Size   Decimal Bytes (Attributes)
--------------------------------   ----   ----   ------- ----- ------------
_CODE                              4100   0004 =      4. bytes (REL,CON)

      Value  Global
   --------  --------------------------------
     4100    _main
     4100    _main_start
     4104    _main_end


Area                               Addr   Size   Decimal Bytes (Attributes)
--------------------------------   ----   ----   ------- ----- ------------
_DATA                              8000   0002 =      2. bytes (REL,CON)

      Value  Global
   --------  --------------------------------
     8000    _x


Area                               Addr   Size   Decimal Bytes (Attributes)
--------------------------------   ----   ----   ------- ----- ------------
_GSINIT                            8002   000C =     12. bytes (REL,CON)

      Value  Global
   --------  --------------------------------
     800E    gsinit

    FILE example.o
        NAME example
    FILE crt0.o
        NAME crt0
    _CODE = 0x4100
    _DATA = 0x8000

------------------------ end of example.map-----------------------------

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