
                 Summary: RXVT_OSC feature breaks screen window numbers in
xterm window title
                   Group: GNU Screen
               Submitter: epg
               Submitted: Sat 19 Oct 2024 10:17:33 AM PDT
                Category: User Interface
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 5.0.0
           Fixed Release: None
         Planned Release: None
           Work Required: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Sat 19 Oct 2024 10:17:33 AM PDT By: Eric Gillespie <epg>
(Initially reported to screen-users list but maybe that's no longer the

I've had the following .screenrc since 2001:

# Make these terminals optimal instead of vt100
termcap *xterm*|*rxvt*|(dt|k|E)term) OP
# Pass on xterm escape codes (such as titlbar setting)
hardstatus on
hardstatus string "%h (%n)%? users: %u%?"
termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt* hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=^G:ds=\E]2;TITLEDISABLED^G

I don't know where I got it, really.  Could have been usenet,
could have been IRC, could have been laz (who maintained the
package for Debian for a while back then).

It takes the escape sequences I have my shell send to XTerm and
appends the window number to it.

So, window 0 might put 'epg@dogato:~/work (0)` into the title
bar, and window 1 might put up 'root@hassadar:/etc (1)'.

With 5.0, this stops working.  Rather, when I switch windows, the
correct title goes up, but as soon as I his 'enter', the window
title disappears.

I tracked it down to the compile-time RXVT_OSC feature,
introduced in 3.9.8 (way back in 2000!) but OFF BY DEFAULT, and
not even exposed via configure until 3.9.11.  None of NetBSD,
FreeBSD, Debian, or openSUSE that I used over the years turned it
on, so I never encountered it.


commit 2168239005ee587fdec417c987a632e81f86c80e
Author: Amadeusz Sławiński (amade) <am...@asmblr.net>
Date:   Tue Jan 4 13:31:39 2011

    make most features as always built in from now on

2011?!  That commit doesn't appear in any 4.x branch, but does in 5.0.

So that's why I'm just now seeing a change introduced 24 years ago.

So, my request:

Can we get back an option for this, preferably a .screenrc option
thsi time around?

I need my screen window numbers!

I searched the web a bit and found this old bug, which I sure
sounds like the same issue I'm reporting now:


I have a small patch to add a new flag, 'osctitle' to turn off
the new behavior.  Hope that helps!

File Attachments:

Name: 0001-Add-osctitle-command-to-disable-OSC-window-titles.patch  Size: 4KiB


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