Here's a quick and dirty patch for 4.8.0 ... I didn't investigate if the
BSD side allows those settings (it's BSD, screw'em)

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 7:54 AM Marc Haber <> wrote:

> Follow-up Comment #1, bug #23952 (project screen):
> This has been lying around in the bug tracker for 13 years now. I'd like to
> elaborate a bit on this:
> The cereal program ( uses screen as
> a
> terminal emulator to access serial devices such as routers, switches etc.
> cereal's unique usage of screens allow device output to be captured
> unattendedly, so that you can see the device's last output when attaching
> to
> the session. This is a huge help when debugging on devices that usually run
> unattended for months and then suddenly need attention.
> Unfortunately, screen's handling of serial ports is somewhat incomplete:
> You
> can set the baud rate and the word length (cs7), but not the number of stop
> bits and/or the parity settings.
> Since the OS calls are readily available, adding this to a future version
> of
> screen would proably be easy enough to do inside Sadly, my C skills
> lack to handle this code which is liberally sprinkled with portability
> #ifdefs, so I cannot submit a patch.
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