Update of bug #58256 (project screen):

                  Status:               Need Info => Invalid                
             Assigned to:                    None => anaumov                
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 
                 Release:                    None => 4.8.0                  


Follow-up Comment #4:

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> I used Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
> 1. To install screen. sudo apt install screen -y
> 2. this is my step:
>  - Ctrl+a |-> split terminal vertically into regions
>  - ctrl-a + tab -> move to new screen
>  - Ctrl+a c -> new window

Here you can see, that the first window (left region) is "bash 0" and second
one (right region) is "bash 1".
Now you can use and enjoy screen :-)

>  - Ctrl+a 0 

Now you still have two regions, but both of then show you the same window
"bash 0". That's the reason why context is also the same.
So, I will expect that in this case if you type something you will see the
same text on both regions.

> As I understand It will switch to the first screen.

No, if you want to switch to the first region, you have to 'ctrl+a tab'
Ctrl+a <number> is used to switch between windows. As I said, you can see the
list of these with ctrl+a ".

> But It doesn't run as expected, My cursor still on the second screen.
> but when i typing, text display in both of them. 

Yep, that's correct. That's not a bug ;-)


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