Follow-up Comment #2, bug #58256 (project screen):

I used Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
1. To install screen. sudo apt install screen -y
2. this is my step:
 - Ctrl+a |-> split terminal vertically into regions
 - ctrl-a + tab -> move to new screen
 - Ctrl+a c -> new window
 - Ctrl+a 0 -> As I understand It will switch to the first screen. But It
doesn't run as expected, My cursor still on the second screen. but when i
typing, text display in both of them. 

See my attachmen video

(file #48960)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: Screencast from 04-28-2020 08:59:01 AM.webm Size:164 KB
    < from 04-28-2020 08:59:01


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