Follow-up Comment #8, bug #55618 (project screen):

It is much better, thanks a lot!

root@likhachev:~# time screen --version
Screen version 4.07.00 (GNU) 02-Oct-19

real    0m0,001s
user    0m0,001s
sys     0m0,000s
root@likhachev:~# ulimit -n 1024000
root@likhachev:~# time screen --version
Screen version 4.07.00 (GNU) 02-Oct-19

real    0m0,021s
user    0m0,004s
sys     0m0,017s

P.S. '02-Oct-19' looks being added in patchlevel.h, leaved it as is. screen is
built 5 minutes ago.


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