Hi There,

Screen comes packaged with and old format man file. Any plans to update it
to something modern so us FreeBSD users do not need to install an
external program (groff) just to view the manpage?

All other manpages do not require this external program (groff) to view it.
This is what's needed currently just to view the screen manpage ... it just
seems excessive :

$ sudo synth status textproc/groff
Scanning existing packages.
These are the ports that would be built ([N]ew, [R]ebuild, [U]pgrade):
  N => devel/gperf
  N => print/libpaper
  N => dns/libidn
  N => graphics/jbig2dec
  N => graphics/poppler-data
  N => x11-fonts/fontconfig
  N => print/ghostscript9-agpl-base
  N => print/gsfonts
  N => print/psutils
  N => textproc/groff
Total packages that would be built: 10


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