Hi Axel,

thank you for your kind words and also your contributing to GNU screen.
Right now we have more than 200 open issues/tasks/bugs and first I'm
going to concentrate on these.

I'm proud to help to maintain this project. I should say, I have a lot of fun :)

Yes, we plan the new release on this weekend. But about it a bit later :)
I hope you will like it.


On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Axel Beckert <a...@deuxchevaux.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is _not_ to bash Amadeusz' work on GNU Screen.
> In contrary: I'm very glad and thankful that he pulled GNU Screen out
> of its lethargy and maybe even attracted some new contributors. :-)
> And I'm also glad to see a second person (Alexander) going through
> open bug reports and applying fixes since recently.
> Thanks to all who contributed to GNU Screen, especially those who
> contributed only recently!
> There happened a few mishaps during building the 4.2.1 release tar
> ball which partially are not catchable by the build system, so I want
> to list them here, maybe as check list for the 4.3.0 tar ball
> building:
> * Makefile still contained the previous release version number which
>   especially breaks the "clean" target. So the common packager's
>   workflow of Apply patches → Build → Unapply Patches → Clean the
>   working directory fails.
>   → Please check that all occurrences (except change log, history,
>     etc.) of 4.2.0, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are changed to 4.3.0 before
>     building the release tar ball.
>   (Yes, this case wouldn't show up if the Makefile wouldn't have been
>   shipped in the release tar ball at all. See below.)
> * Take care that files which do not belong into a release tar ball are
>   not included.
>   + Cache files in the release tar ball:
>     autom4te.cache/output.0
>     autom4te.cache/output.1
>     autom4te.cache/requests
>     autom4te.cache/traces.0
>     autom4te.cache/traces.1
>   + Files generated by calling configure:
>     config.h
>     config.log
>     config.status
>     doc/Makefile
>     Makefile
>   + Editor backup files:
>     config.h.in~
>   + One more case which I noticed, because the file is included, but
>     deleted during the clean (or realclean/distclean) target:
>     doc/screen.info
>     This is likely discussable if it belongs into a release tar ball.
>     I'd say no, but I won't argue much about it. :-)
> Tools I find useful for such QA checks: tardiff
> (http://tardiff.coolprojects.org/) to compare the file list with the
> previous release tar ball and "als" from atool
> (http://www.nongnu.org/atool/) to comfortably check the list of
> contained files independent of the actual file format and compression
> type.
> Thanks for considering! All the packagers of GNU Screen will be
> thankful for clean release tar balls, I'm sure! :-)
> In my case I'll be able to drop these files from the packaging for
> Debian:
> https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/README.source/
> https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/patches/00-fix-version-in-Makefile.patch/
> https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/clean/ (at least parts 
> of it)
>                 Kind regards, Axel
> --
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