Hi, this is _not_ to bash Amadeusz' work on GNU Screen.
In contrary: I'm very glad and thankful that he pulled GNU Screen out of its lethargy and maybe even attracted some new contributors. :-) And I'm also glad to see a second person (Alexander) going through open bug reports and applying fixes since recently. Thanks to all who contributed to GNU Screen, especially those who contributed only recently! There happened a few mishaps during building the 4.2.1 release tar ball which partially are not catchable by the build system, so I want to list them here, maybe as check list for the 4.3.0 tar ball building: * Makefile still contained the previous release version number which especially breaks the "clean" target. So the common packager's workflow of Apply patches → Build → Unapply Patches → Clean the working directory fails. → Please check that all occurrences (except change log, history, etc.) of 4.2.0, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are changed to 4.3.0 before building the release tar ball. (Yes, this case wouldn't show up if the Makefile wouldn't have been shipped in the release tar ball at all. See below.) * Take care that files which do not belong into a release tar ball are not included. + Cache files in the release tar ball: autom4te.cache/output.0 autom4te.cache/output.1 autom4te.cache/requests autom4te.cache/traces.0 autom4te.cache/traces.1 + Files generated by calling configure: config.h config.log config.status doc/Makefile Makefile + Editor backup files: config.h.in~ + One more case which I noticed, because the file is included, but deleted during the clean (or realclean/distclean) target: doc/screen.info This is likely discussable if it belongs into a release tar ball. I'd say no, but I won't argue much about it. :-) Tools I find useful for such QA checks: tardiff (http://tardiff.coolprojects.org/) to compare the file list with the previous release tar ball and "als" from atool (http://www.nongnu.org/atool/) to comfortably check the list of contained files independent of the actual file format and compression type. Thanks for considering! All the packagers of GNU Screen will be thankful for clean release tar balls, I'm sure! :-) In my case I'll be able to drop these files from the packaging for Debian: https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/README.source/ https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/patches/00-fix-version-in-Makefile.patch/ https://sources.debian.net/src/screen/4.2.1-3/debian/clean/ (at least parts of it) Kind regards, Axel -- /~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert \ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News | a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail) X See http://www.nonhtmlmail.org/campaign.html | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber) / \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ | http://abe.noone.org/ (Web)