On Sep 19, 11 12:41:05 -0700, hiren panchasara wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM, hiren panchasara <
> hiren.panchas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > How do I know/set the terminal in packet mode? How can we conclude that
> >> > reporter didn't have terminal in packet mode? (I am just trying to
> >> > learn/understand here).
> >>
> >> window.c:OpenDevice() does that. Should be fully automatic.
> >>
> > My question was more in terms of - who tells OpenDevice() that.
> > Who sets  #ifdef TIOCPKT to true?
> >

Nothing magic there. 
It is brought in through standard system header files:

/usr/include/asm-arm/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT           0x5420
/usr/include/asm-generic/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT               0x5420
/usr/include/asm-ia64/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT          0x5420
/usr/include/asm-parisc/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT                0x5420
/usr/include/asm-powerpc/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT               0x5420
/usr/include/asm-s390/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT          0x5420
/usr/include/asm-sparc/ioctls.h:#define TIOCPKT         _IOW('t', 112, int)

... at least for linux.

> Just to be clearer, I am on  Linux, 2.6.32-26-generic.
> I am still trying to find out how "TIOCPKT" is set when I start a shell
> (start a terminal) on my Linux box.

window.c OpenDevice() on /dev/[pt]ty* always sets TIOCPKT mode, 
if that symbol is defined.
ansi.c DoCSI() DoESC() code reacts differently with or without having
TIOCPKT defined.

Can you verify that both files see the same definition?
Missing include somewhere?


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