> > How do I know/set the terminal in packet mode? How can we conclude that
> > reporter didn't have terminal in packet mode? (I am just trying to
> > learn/understand here).
> window.c:OpenDevice() does that. Should be fully automatic.
My question was more in terms of - who tells OpenDevice() that.
Who sets  #ifdef TIOCPKT to true?

> I do not understand the second part of the question. Why do you think
> > terminal and screen disagree? Is that the reason for the bug?
> My asumption is this:
>  - screen decides to use package mode, and later behaves as
>   if package mode is enabled, but the pty device remained in normal mode,
>   hence the missing characters.
So does that mean:
1) package mode is different for screen and pty device? What I mean here is,
it should be set separately for both of them?
2) package mode is set for screen but not for pty device.

> OpenDevice() switches on package mode for W_TYPE_PTY devices, if the
> TIOCPKT symbol is available. The code looks quite okay to me. Maybe you
> could verify some asumptions here.
I need to find out who sets this "TIOCPKT" and how screen (via OpenDevice()
I assume) and pty knows about that being set.

Thanks a ton for your help,

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