* Przyjazny, Martin had this to say on [14 Apr 2010, 14:13:23 +0000]:
> By the way, there are three things I had to do to get it to compile on
> Solaris 9 (5.9 Generic_112233-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4):

> 2.  I had to undef the SETENV stuff in config.h and #define NEEDPUTENV - I'm
> not sure why autogen thought this system had setenv.  I grepped through the
> whole /usr/include tree and didn't find setenv anywhere.

Could you please try the patch from Alexander Gattin at
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?29451 and see if that helps with this

> 1.  in config.h, #define _XPG_4_2
> Because of this in /usr/include/sys/socket.h:
> #if defined(_XPG4_2) || defined(_KERNEL)
>         void            *msg_control;           /* ancillary data */
>         socklen_t       msg_controllen;         /* ancillary data buffer len
> */
>         int             msg_flags;              /* flags on received message
> */

It looks like defining _XPG4_2 is not the right way of doing things
Can you try out the suggested 'proper' fixes and see if that works for

> 3.  No CMSG_LEN and CMSG_SPACE defined in socket.o, so I had to define them
> (I just did it in socket.c).. I used this patch:
> http://mail.mems-exchange.org/durusmail/quixote-users/5553/

For me, CMSG_LEN seems to be defined in /usr/include/linux/socket.h. Is
it defined elsewhere on Solaris 9 (or just not defined anywhere at all)?


> Thanks,
> Martin Przyjazny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sadrul Habib Chowdhury [mailto:ima...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:44 PM
> To: Przyjazny, Martin
> Cc: screen-devel@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: screen history size
> * Przyjazny, Martin had this to say on [11 Apr 2010, 19:27:00 +0000]:
> > Hi Sadrul,
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I was just wondering why screen's scrollback history was capped to 1000
> > lines.
> > 
> >
> (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/screen.git/commit/?id=7ac593d74dfd2243cd60
> > c5d848547ebd9971a8b0)
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I was using screen 4.0.3 which doesn't cap the scrollback buffer, but I
> was
> > missing the vertical split functionality.
> > 
> > So, I compiled from the git source but was disappointed to see the cap on
> > the scrollback buffer.
> That was an unintentional change. Fixed in 4fb0d4f.
> > That one was easy enough for me to fix, but I found one other function
> that
> > was available in 4.0.3 but missing now: the ability to select a window in
> > the windowlist by #.
> This is fixed in a228411. Thanks very much for the reports.
> Cheers.
> Sadrul

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