* Przyjazny, Martin had this to say on [11 Apr 2010, 19:27:00 +0000]:
> Hi Sadrul,
> I was just wondering why screen's scrollback history was capped to 1000
> lines.
> (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/screen.git/commit/?id=7ac593d74dfd2243cd60
> c5d848547ebd9971a8b0)
> I was using screen 4.0.3 which doesn't cap the scrollback buffer, but I was
> missing the vertical split functionality.
> So, I compiled from the git source but was disappointed to see the cap on
> the scrollback buffer.

That was an unintentional change. Fixed in 4fb0d4f.

> That one was easy enough for me to fix, but I found one other function that
> was available in 4.0.3 but missing now: the ability to select a window in
> the windowlist by #.

This is fixed in a228411. Thanks very much for the reports.


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