On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:22:51 -0500 Chris Jones <cjns1...@gmail.com>
> There seem to be other 'hidden' resize options:
> ^A resize +
> ^A resize _
> And how about:
> ^A resize \
> I haven't tried other possibilities but I was wondering is a way to 
> make
> two vertical regions equal, i.e. the converse of:
> ^A resize =
> As an aside, it would be nice if the delimiter between two vertical
> regions was the same width as the the one between two horizontal
> regions.
> Instead, I have a rather wide band that is almost one character cell
> wide as compared with the couple of pixels used to delimit two
> horizontal regions.

The '+' and '_'I knew about. The '=' option is still a left over form
previous versions. However, I did do some *very* rough testing. Starting
screen with two vertically split regions, the commands ':resize =' and
':resize -h =' both resized those regions back to equal sizes. I can do
some more testing. One thing I did notice is that if you use ':resize -h
min' such that you are now in a region that is one character width in
size, you can no longer issue ^A: and you get a "width 1 chars too small"
error. Hmmm.

I haven't seen '\' used in resize and I don't remember seeing it in the
source. I'll have to look for this. Thanks for bringing this up.

> Thanks,
> CJ

Curtis Brown

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