* Chris Jones had this to say on [12 Dec 2009, 19:22:51 -0500]:
> There seem to be other 'hidden' resize options:
> ^A resize +

What does it do?

> ^A resize _

This '_' is shorthand for 'max'. There's also '0' for 'min'.

> And how about:
> ^A resize \

I don't think there's any special meaning for this. Any unrecognized
parameter is parsed as a number (0), and the selected region gets resized
to 0 (which actually needs to be fixed).

> I haven't tried other possibilities but I was wondering is a way to make
> two vertical regions equal, i.e. the converse of:
> ^A resize =

'resize =' should (and does) resize vertical splits to equal widths for
me. Does it not work for you?

> As an aside, it would be nice if the delimiter between two vertical
> regions was the same width as the the one between two horizontal
> regions.
> Instead, I have a rather wide band that is almost one character cell
> wide as compared with the couple of pixels used to delimit two
> horizontal regions.

The separator of two regions is always one character, so for vertical
splits, it's a single-cell character wide, and for horizontal splits,
it's one character high (which is really unlikely to be only a couple of
pixels on any system). I am not really sure why you should see it any


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