I will take offense. I think if you spent ANY time comprehending what I
wrote in my emails, you would have emailed your contributions to my
project, quoted below, to melik...@melikamp.com. Throughout this whole
process, I was very patient with people telling me why my code is useless,
but it ends with you, Matt. Go fix your own projects. I refused to take any
coding advice from Savannah admins, who, in my view, have a conflict of
interest. And I am definitely not going to take any coding advice from
people like you, who cannot comprehend plain English, even after I
explained myself over and over again.

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Matthew Carter <m...@ahungry.com> wrote:

> john smith <qweqweqwe314...@gmail.com> writes:
> > *snip* bunch of text
> No offense, but the scripts (I just got done looking through them) leave
> tons of loose ends that would more likely hurt rather than help a random
> user who ran them.
> They make tons of assumptions about directories and binaries existing on
> a user's system, without proper safeguards / defensive programming
> around the different commands prior to running.
> I think if you spent all your time on those emails enhancing the scripts
> instead, they probably could have been in a state that was good enough
> to be accepted by now.
> - my 2c
> --
> Matthew Carter (m...@ahungry.com)
> http://ahungry.com

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