Follow-up Comment #24, task #16584 (group administration):

> I don't understand the part starting with 'Otherwise'.  We are
> discussing what the redistributors are required to do; the copyright
> holders may do anything with their works, as I've pointed out.

I am sorry I made confusions to you.
I think including a copy of the LGPL is a requirement, the second choice is to
paste a link to LGPL in the project and let users to download LGPL license.

> I'm afraid you are confusing some things.  The copyright disclaimer
> is a legal paper; normally, it is not included in the tarball.

> Could you please read the GPL HowTo once again, from the begining
> to the end?

Okay I will conform your guidance, to read the GPL HowTo again.
Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.
I really want to host StoneValley free software project on savannah legally,
it is important to me. Thanks a lot.


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