Follow-up Comment #12, task #16553 (group administration): My question is: are all of its source files compatible with savannah's hosting requirements, in the light of comments 4, 6 and 8?
To put it another way, are any of the categories of files, given the new permissions from the contactable authors, incompatible with the GPLv3-or-later? I've examined all the files, now someone needs to examine each category of file. They only have to find one that is duff to resolve the question, or say they consider all to be OK or remediable. My second question is: which of the categories can be licensed or relicensed as GPLv3-o-l, other than the GPLv2-o-l ones? That would be useful even if savannah's requirements are not met. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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