Follow-up Comment #13, task #16406 (project administration):

Hello, Ineiev.

[comment #12 comment #12:]
> > ....
> > Alternatively, why not licence the manual under both the GFDL and GPL3+?
> Yes, these would be compliant with our hosting requirements.

OK, thanks!  I've amended cc-mode.texi to be licensed as either GFDL or GPL3+.
 This involves the new file doclicense.texi, the text of GFDLv1.3.  That name
is what the Emacs project calls the file.

So, I've attached cc-mode.20230730.tar.gz.  Maybe this will be the last such

Just as a matter of interest, cc-mode.texi in that tarball still refers to the
SourceForge website, so there is work to be done before the sources are ready
to be made public.


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