Follow-up Comment #8, task #16406 (project administration):

Hello again, Ineiev.

cc-find-types-background.el (and also cc-engine.20160830.el) got into the
tarball by accident (careless use of "*.el").  I'll take them out of the next
tarball version.  Apologies.

cc-mode.texi is licensed under GPL3+ so as to permit users to copy Lisp code
from this manual into their own code.  There are around 40 instances of such
code, at least one of which (page "Sample .emacs file") is large, of the order
of 50 lines.  Were cc-mode.texi GFDL licenced, such copying would violate this

The workaround for this GPL3+/GFDL conflict in maintain.html section 6.6.5.,
namely to have a distinct file of code containing these code fragments, seems
unworkably clumsy.  Even if there were a separate file of code examples
licensed as GPL3+, users are, in practice, still going to be copying the code
from the manual, not that file.  Why do we make our users licence violators?

I'm sure this point must have been discussed before, probably at great length.
 It seems to be a bug in the licences.  Is there not a better solution than
the above workaround?


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