Follow-up Comment #10, task #16345 (project administration):

[comment #9 comment #9:]
> Regarding the README, I also think you are reading these policies the wrong
way.  The 10 lines hint applies to _copyrightable_ content.  And a paragraph
saying "GNU frob is about frobnicating frobs and is hosted in and it is built like this: configure && make && make
install" lacks the creativity to be copyrightable;  it is almost impossible to
express the same thing in a different way.

This example isn't good, it's just a line or two; your README file is clearly
longer.  I think ten or twelve such reasonably independent passages could make
a copyrightable text.

> The way I interpret the policy is: supporting files like README that contain
copyrightable content should also have licensing notices.

Very well.

> Can I have a savannah project created for this official GNU software,

Why, the group was setup yesterday.  Do you miss anything?


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