Dear all,

After this email, when I dedided to give another opportunity to Savannah, I reviewed again the hosting requirements and did all the changes I identified to be done before applying again for a hosting in Savannah.

It seems that I left something out and it was not fulfilling the requirements, I understand, no issues, I was decided to follow the process and improve whatever had to be improved.

Even if the information was right, when I ask for help to the administrator of a project that is supposed to support free software, I am not expecting such an answer[1], even more after an incident like the one I had with Savannah & KLog where the admin broke the rule of Savannah to remove the software when it is written in Savannah's website that you do not delete software.

I  think that I should not have to remind that your admin created a potential catastrophic damage to an old free software program.

I am expecting help from Savannah, not unpolite or emotional answers.

I have been developing and supporting free software for many years and I know that I am not only coding but sometimes also managing with difficult personalities and egos but honestly, I don't have any need to be in Savannah and if the Savannah admins don't like KLog to be in Savannah, I don't need to beg for their support.

The time I spent with you was a good one but I think you need to improve how you manage your users. Please remember that you will be nothing without users and you have kicked me out of Savannah.

When I first wrote to you it was because some other Savannah staff wrote me in private, suggesting to do so. Stating in an email that they did not understood the way of act of the admin but thet could not help. I would recommend to train your admins on "user management".

I will keep coding in my free time, I do it for fun, no need to spend one single second where my software is not welcome.

Thank you for the hosting and for the support and good luck with your volunteers.



El 07/04/2021 a las 7:30, Jaime Robles escribió:
Dear all,

Thank you for your time managing this issue.

I need to say that there are some lessons learned from this incident on both sides.

On Savannah, in my opinion, you can't afford acting like in KLog and removing a project like this, you may, for instance, disable any writing rights and users would not be so affected and history of free software would not lose so much code.

I personally had some copies of all the sources and the mailing lists are not really containing such a big amount of information so nothing "catastrophic" happened to KLog  but this may not be the case in other projects.

IMHO, that was not an action of a reliable partner... and you are not like GitLab, GitHub, Sourceforge... you represent free software.

On the other hand, as I was saying, lessons learned are on both sides and I will apply mine.

However, I still think today that hosting KLog in Savannah is for the community,  better than not doing so even if KLog is an small project, so I will send a new submission to Savannah with the hope that we don't go this way again, at least during the same amount of years than the first chapter of KLog with you ;-)

Thank you for your time.


El mar., 6 abr. 2021 12:45, Jose E. Marchesi < <>> escribió:

    Hello Jaime.

    Thanks for your patience.

    So we have carefully looked at the issue.  What happened, in a

    1) The KLog project has indeed been hosted in
    <> for
       many years.  The group was registered in 2002, and you imported the
       sources in a SVN repository in 2011.

    2) In 30 April 2020 you submitted an application for another
    project, to
       be hosted in <>:
    KMeter. During the evaluation of
       the submission the savannah hackers found some problems that
       the savannah hosting requirements, and they reached out to you in
       this savannah task ticket:

       Savannah Administration - Tasks: task #15622, Submission of KMeter

       As you can see in task #15622 they tried to get in touch with
    you in
       three occassions:

       - Fri 08 May 2020
       - Sun 31 May 2020
       - Mon 15 Mar 2021

       With no answer from you.  You are supposed to get email
       from Savannah when somebody replies to you in a forum, so maybe you
       want to check your savannah settings?  Maybe you have an email
       address there that you no longer use?

       In any case, in these messages the savannah hackers told you that
       they had also found similar problems in the existing project KLog,
       not just in the submission of KMeter:

         "Please be sure to fix these issues in this package and in other

          your packages hosted in Savannah."

       And then almost a year later after no response:

         "No further interest?  Should I cancel this submission and delete
         your package from Savannah?"

       We reckon we should have been more explicit in that
    communication in
       that we were talking about removing the KLog project.  We apologize
       for that.

    3) We proceeded to discard the KMeter application and to remove
    the KLog
       project from savannah, due to these policy violation _and_ because
       the maintainer/submitter appeared to be missing in action for the
       good part of a year.

    Good news is that we finally managed to reach you! :)
    So, what can we do now?

    - Regarding KLog, the group has been removed from savannah.
    However, we
      have backups of the VCS, download area and the mailing list
      If you are still interested in hosting the KLog project in savannah,
      we invite you to start a new submission.  The savannah hackers will
      then evaluate it and guide you in fixing any problem that makes
    it not
      compatible with the savannah policies.  Once approved and a new
      gets created, we can then restore the VCS, download areas and the
      mailing list archives.

    - Regarding KMeter, the application has been closed due to lack of
      response.  So if you are still interested in hosting it in savannah,
      please start a new submission and work with the savannah hackers to
      make it compatible with the savannah hosting requirements.

    Again, we apologize for any inconvenience, and we look forward to work
    with you :)


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