On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 22:43:18 +0100
Christopher Dimech <dim...@gmx.com> wrote:

> > Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2020 at 10:26 PM
> > From: "Alfred M. Szmidt" <a...@gnu.org>
> > To: "Luis Falcon" <fal...@gnuhealth.org>
> > Cc: dim...@gmx.com, savannah-hackers@gnu.org, band...@gnu.org,
> > b...@proulx.com Subject: Re: Volunteers for GNU and GNU management
> > [Was: Re: Subprojects in Savannah]
> >
> > I think there is little point in continuing to discuss how you think
> > Savannah is run, it is up to the Savannah hackers how they decide
> > what they wish to work on, or not.  You can call this "wrong" or a
> > "mistake" -- but it doesn't change the way how the GNU project
> > works.  
> Because Savannah is the central point for development, maintenance
> and distribution of official GNU software, this changes things
> somewhat - making "let people decide what they wish to work on"
> problematic, to say the least.  In professional settings, it is
> absurd.  Yet some people boast that "A Gnu System today runs the
> computing needs of the International Space Station".

Fully agree. It is not only about "them" and what they do, it is about
us, as a community. We are not, can not, and will not be passive
bystanders. You can bet on this.

As Christopher points out, our projects are hosted at GNU, and the
our project's reputation is at stake. 

Alfred, you seem to be good at sending links and asking people to read
GNU documents.... now is time for you to read this... several

        National Public health systems today use and depend on GNU
        Health today. 

That is, millions of individuals can not become hostages of someone's
will to maintain the operating system or the repository server. Is that
crystal clear? Respect!

Enough is enough. For a moment I thought that we at GNU were seeing the
light at the end of the tunnel, but it was a mirage.

I had it with all this nonsense.

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