Follow-up Comment #16, sr #109942 (project administration):

Among other things the post-receive hook file was not executable.  Therefore
it was not being invoked.  I chmod a+x post-receive the file so that it would
be executable.

I simulated the most recent commit.  The mail log says it has sent email out
to automake-commit.  So perhaps it is working now.

The previous commit (HEAD^) was cf27a3dfc64b877524bea0505fe2820d6bfe6251 and
the current commit (HEAD) is b87f297426c2d79494b707d0fecddaff2b6eaefd
therefore to push out that set of commits (there was only one in that set) one
must be in the git directory, pipe the commit hash values into the hook script
as stdin, and run the hook as the user that did the commit.

root@vcs0:/net/vcs/git/automake.git# echo
b87f297426c2d79494b707d0fecddaff2b6eaefd refs/heads/master | sudo -u karl
Sending notification emails to:

Which seems like it should have worked perfectly.  But in this case the actual
email has a From: address of root when it should not have. Hmm...  Oh well.  I
think in a real commit case that it will have the correct address though.  I
checked and the mail was sent to the mailing list and appears in the raw
mailbox archives.  I did not wait for the */30 cronjob to thread the message. 
I'll check that tomorrow.

I also noticed a bug that has been in the program for a
while.  The revision header message complains that "reply_to" is not set (it
is for the refchange message though) and does not include the Mail-Followup-To
header on that message.  It is included in the individual refchange messages. 
The python code was too inscrutable for me to discern the problem though.


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