Hi I hadn't logged into Savannah for a while and came back to log in today. My account name is dog, and I am a member of the classpath and classpathx projects. Firstly it would not accept my password, which hasn't changed in years. I then requested that the password be sent out to my email address, which should be on file as either d...@gnu.org or d...@bluezoo.org. Although the page submission completed successfully I have not received any email. This leads me to suspect that my account on savannah may have been compromised and the hacker changed my password and email address.
In order to attempt to resolve this I followed the suggested link to submit a support request. This link https://savannah.gnu.org/support/?group=administration simply leads to a list of open support requests with no way to create a new one. I suspected that it might not be possible to submit a support request without being logged in, so I created a new user, logged in and revisited this page: no joy, still no way to create a support request. As part of creating a new user I noted that the requirements for the complexity of passwords have been made more stringent since I created my account. This may be part of the problem with logging in as dog. So, in short: please can you investigate the dog account and ensure that the associated email address hasn't been changed to something weird; reset the password if necessary and notify me by email, or fix the lost-password user journey if it's that that's broken; and fix the support link so that new support requests can be entered. If you need further confirmation that I am who I say I am, please find attached the GPG public key that should be associated with the account - if it has been hacked and the keys changed I rely on you entirely to investigate when the password and keys were changed. TIA -- Chris Burdess
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBDwt284RBADQyBy5bBeW8fFLcu5HqJrv47XMCyhiTbHBQaGWxjbAoAtmUlVK GY8w4hFwHeJ5yW5dCjdooTIDDlFULFnZsNX1VT6tUMkWWkZca9Nt8cMu09+dmWJi Sw4ANAOyuAf3jI0sPbljr9rQCMCnZcnu3fkVnVI58uNd3PPqBBY+nUTU2wCgqzAC 2U/otnyWtDELT4V8dJiOy50EAK5q4jQjI0CNFTrQRAoPawT9t7D/ggKj6pK09XDn PRd7JdxiCFnjxM5ISrZFdtLlbKCgK2itVNYbKENrqBRVltWw4mqHv5G4GPEB4t3c bjTZlTXgNg17uZm55wIcw6ZxaOB6GsfupY3HJG0r0tSBYwFDP260HPJElTULHK8d NDdWA/0WnxF69YYB2BWWmVIHNgxx2WzHOp3CxXDiH4Hxv7DNPiE6eWTm00kckLVk lQA/QJvvldH9zvv9kjWk9ucyB2Tj4+RhkcfjXwD9N3SNnUQMJ1IqKgr7BJr99RzT 9y2oPC3sDnoSxrj4+SLbhcLDeaAMafwInYsKskLeHYDLCpLgLrQfQ2hyaXMgQnVy ZGVzcyA8ZG9nQGJsdWV6b28ub3JnPohiBBMRAgAaBQsHCgMEAxUDAgMWAgECF4AF AkER8CkCGQEAEgdlR1BHAAEBCRDp2XUMSoeCuE6xAKCp8Hbn9Ka4i76VD3rBGESX /sPT6QCghI+rww51oqlQMewHrQngTbZTFA+5AQ0EPC3cAxAEAInbwbLIFf1jarsW W8mWlZaUzIfPUalx/aTvRvW4nRkPOC5hWgOSZaEviSuqcVU1A0pwuVMSxm/dzpFZ jeSXo6xBEK7JtFaVRDaDO/DUSVE6zg1gKgwGdhyHi2r/Zj1Qz2Az6lnqLBRY/Eh2 0c+ufItgHcOerEA3V0VWQYj+25CnAAMFA/40EM+h7HHO3wgJNy0WgxuoFJYYY+Je h1LXYY6bmTFfFYXSqON4pBqrtsavVogXBajxzk8AOMGL6GD0HECAJoGkNLAD3+WG M4JkvAMDzwqm140yAK3DwQX4r045tOhIUvIjaqgC0i45qnW598OdggkO2jAwql3z 3n4hwUOTpRHd3ohOBBgRAgAGBQI8LdwDABIJEOnZdQxKh4K4B2VHUEcAAQGFbwCd FCLfG15IhO9Cyp5Pwq/M8SC6SPMAn3ZYrhBtBhFLnAcN0/n01nNbgBP2 =UTUY -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----