Follow-up Comment #20, sr #107077 (project administration): "bzr does not permit configuring server side hooks in the repository because of security concerns"
But every VCS I know allow this (?). For example: do you intend, at a point, to implement centralised mail notification on commit? (which is the first thing people ask here) Currently this relies on an expansive, per-repository scanning every 5 minutes through bzr-hookless-email, which isn't scalable. I expect bzr+ssh to eventually work as a restricted shell that will also execute repository hooks, and these hooks should be stored in a root-restricted directory (like CVS/SVN/Git/Hg). (in which case sftp access would be closed to make sure hooks are executed) If you never intend to allow server-side hooks at the repository (!=user) level, I guess I can enable bzr+ssh (provided we make sure that homedirs will stay read-only), but this sounds strange. Currently I'd expect bzr+ssh to eventually run repository hooks. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Messaggio inviato con/da Savannah