Follow-up Comment #3, sr #106896 (project administration):

> > * please remove "-b" from the cvs tag instructions 
> > or document the lasting effects.
> This is a wiki, please do the latter :)

Sorry I didn't see the tiny list of wiki command links.
Is it possible to get a wiki as a "Feature" for projects ? 
Like the Task Tracker feature?

> > * Do I need origin/origin at all?

Nope I don't.

> > o How can I remove it?

Found it.

git push origin :heads/origin

> > o How can I rename it to something like origin/cvs if 
> > I decide that I need it for historical reasons or 
> > upstream reasons?

Renaming can be done locally (i.e. before pushing) by 

git branch -m oldname newname 

or later by copying and removing the old branch.

> > * Do I need origin/master?
> Looks like a question for the git mailing list rather than us.
> I'd say "yes, unless you want to inconvenience your users", 
> but I could be wrong.

Turns out it is easier to just keep it :-)

> > * How do I clean out the remote git repository to start 
> > over ? :-)
> That you need to ask us and we do it after validating you 
> actually plan to put something back.

Already done it. I simply deleted all remote branches and 
pushed again like there was nothing but an empty repository waiting. "git gc"
will do the rest. 
Behold the raw power of git ;-)


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