Follow-up Comment #16, sr #106304 (project administration):

Some stats after 3 months 1/2:

-- * Approximation for anonymous spam + anonymous users who mistyped the
captcha *
-- User was not logged and check_value is wrong
-- Idem, and in addition the posted text contains an HTTP link
-- Validated post (captcha or authentified user)
8112 (=~ 5% of all captcha-filtered posts)
-- Posts per suspicious IP
min:   1
max-1: 8111  (
max:   12747 (
#IPs: 24946
-- Average posts by suspicious IP
-- Posts per IP suspicious and per day
~ [1, 120]
-- Number of different IP adresses
-- Average number of different apparently-spamming IP adresses per day

Beware: the messages we really need to analyse further are the 8000 ones, not
the 150000 others which are already blocked. So the analysis only confirms
that the spam we get comes from the clever spammers.


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