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Martin Richard Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: SanCat
System name: sancat
Type: non-GNU


SanCat (SANders CATalano) is aimed towards people with an interest in shell providers, 
and also home linux users wishing to use a more secure login shell. SanCat is a 
command line driven shell, but with an extra layer of security. Everytime a command is 
entered on SanCat the user is asked for a key in order for the command to run. The Key 
is set by the Systems Administrator who installs SanCat using a simple install program 
provided with SanCat. Without the Key, any commands will not work. This means that if 
the security of a Shell Account is breached, then that account will be useless to the 
intruder without the key. So any data in the users account will be safe, and the 
intruder will not be able to run any hacking scripts from that account or get any 
higher status. SanCat is available for FREE download, including the full source code, 
at http://www.publiclinux.net/software/sancat.tar

Other Software Required:

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