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Eric Leblond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: NuFW
System name: nufw
Type: non-GNU

NuFW is designed to be an "authenticating gateway". This means it will require 
authentication for any connection to be forwarded through the gateway. It requires a 
"client/server" model and an authentication program on every client.
That will provide authentication for ANY protocol as long as its TCP/IP.
It lays on any good connection tracking IP filtering code (or it will). For now our 
first implementation will run on Netfilter, the filtering package from Linux 2.4.

Any [legitimate] user of a network will be referenced in a "database" (probably an 
LDAP tree), as well as their access rights.
It will be gateway's work to check any packet that is accepted through the gateway is 
bound to an authentified user, and that this user has the rights for that access at 
that time.

Sources : http://www.gnufw.org/download/nufw.tar.gz

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
The project was originaly named gnufw. To avoid confusion has it is not part of the 
GNU project, it will be renamed Nufw when importing sources into  the savannah CVS. 
For the moment, the source keep trace of the previous name.

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