A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
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Steve Kemp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: GNU MP3 Streaming Server
System name: gnump3d
Type: GNU

GNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3's, OGG Vorbis files, and other streamable media 
files, it is designed to be:

    * Small, stable, portable, self-contained, and secure.
    * Simple to install, configure, and use.
    * Portable across different varieties of Unix and Microsoft Windows platforms.

 The current project is working to production quality, and is available from 
http://www.gnump3d.org/ - which is a pointer to http://gnump3d.sourceforge.net/.

 CVS Repository:
 Website CVS Repository:
 Online Forums:

  Freshmeat project index:

Other Software Required:
The only dependencies for this software are a working installation of Perl.

Other Comments:
This project has been in existence for the past year or so hosted upon SourceForge.
After consultation with RMS it is now going to be a part of the GNU Project - hence 
the migration.

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