A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Paul Hawke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: mbsd
Other License: 
Package: Chronicle Lite
System name: chrniclelite
Type: non-GNU

Chronicle Lite is a front-end desktop application written in Java that communicates to 
Blogger.com for backend publishing services using the XML-RPC API published freely by 
Blogger.  Low level XML-RPC communications are handled by the Apache XML-RPC 
libraries, incorporated (in source form) into the main Chronicle Lite codebase.

Chronicle Lite currently has users worldwide and is at version 1.2.  A binary version 
can be installed using the web installer - 
http://chronicle.caffeinatedbliss.com/lite/install - and source is available at 

Chronicle Lite was initially released through Freshmeat.net on 15th September 2002, 
with the current release (v1.2) announced 1 June 2003.

Other Software Required:
Chronicle Lite is a desktop application and uses Swing.  It also relies on MinML 
(http://www.wilson.co.uk/xml/minml.htm) - BSD licensed software  - and on Apache\'s 
XML-RPC library (http://xml.apache.org/xmlrpc/).  Both are incorporated in source form.

Other Comments:

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