Ahoy Hugo et al,

Sorry to drop out of the conversation, but as penance I'll try to
summarize (please shout if I've mis-represented something):

Ignacio and his pals think it would be good to have a place that
people could go to indicate that they'd like to see certain Free
Software written.  Along the lines of "I'd use Free Software if there
were a program that...".

GNU folks seem to like the idea but want to work within the
infrastructure we've got now, if possible.

There's a project on Savannah called "tasklist" which might be a
starting point but it's not clear enough or obvious enough.

Savannah has a feature called "Tech Support Manager" that allows
people to submit requests which sounds like it might be useful but
since it would be used for something slightly different than its
original purpose we'd need some explanation of how it is supposed to
work in this case.

We seem to be approaching consensus that Savannah has most of the
mechanism that we need and Ignacio at al are willing to help enhance
the current tasklist project (write new web pages etc) to make it
easier to use.

So here's my proposal: write a home page for the tasklist project that
indicates that it's intended to be a place where people can request
Free Software programs.  It no longer needs to support the original
purpose of the task list (projects asking for help) because the
current Savannah help wanted system handles that.

The new tasklist home page can provide an explanation of how to submit
a request and then point to the tasklist's Tech Support Manager so
people can get to the form easily.

At some point we can retire the old-fashioned task list.

So if Ignacio et al would like to help why don't they sign up at
savannah and submit a tech request asking to join the project.  I'll
add them and they can start to work on the web pages.

Sound reasonable?


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