You have removed the last section, titled "How to Apply
These Terms to Your New Programs", from the GPL license.
Please use a complete verbatim copy of the GPL license, as found

The GPL license can only be copied in verbatim form.  The last section
is also very important and makes part of the license.

To release your project under the GPL, you should put
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include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL
Put it in a file named COPYING.

Please follow the advice of

The GPL FAQ explain the reason behind these recommendations.  For
example, there is an entry explaining why the GPL requires including a
copy of the GPL with every copy of the program:

Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned
above.  The way we handle pending projects makes it difficult to keep
track of projects that have been answered but have not been approved
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Some users find it useful to use the big re-registration URL provided in
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Karloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté :

> Mathieu Roy wrote:
> >
> >>A package was submitted to
> >>This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>Carl P. Weidling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> >>License: gpl
> >> Other License: Package: SoundCoach
> >>System name: soundcoach
> >>Type: non-GNU
> >>
> >>Description:
> >>The name of the project is soundcoach.  It is a sound/music program
> >>that creates a window with some resemblence to a musical staff.  A
> >>user can click notes in and play them.  There is an ability save to
> >>a file, load from a file, paste.  The user can change scales, there is
> >>a built in semitone scale, similar to a piano keyboard, also a built in
> >>quartertone scale, and the user can define a custom scale.  Included in
> >>the package are examples of scales and tutorial files to be loaded.  The
> >>program also has \'games\' to allow a user to test their hearing acuity, such as 
> >>testing how close to notes can be in pitch and the user still tell them apart.
> >>Besides playing notes, soundcoach samples incoming
> >>sound and runs a fast fourier transform and displays on its staff the
> >>two dominant frequencies of incoming sound and, if they are close to
> >>notes on the staff, it indicates if they are the same, or a little sharp
> >>or a little flat.  The idea was to help train people to sing on key.
> >>Soundcoach was developed on gnu/linux (slackware 8.0 and Redhat 7.1 distros) and 
> >>those are the only places it\'s been tried.
> >>
> >>Other Software Required:
> >>libm, libpthread, libX11.  Also, some fast fourier transform code.  This
> >>was written by a dcross, and released to the public domain.  I downloaded the 
> >>files for myself and left them unchanged, but the site I
> >>got them from has gone (a web search of \'dcross fourier\' will reveal a lot of 
> >>broken links).  The source files are fourierd.c fourier.h ddcmath.h fourier.h and 
> >>fftmisc.c
> >>
> >>Other Comments:
> >>I don\'t have a web page, so there\'s no place like that to get the source
> >>code from.  I have a shell account [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I don\'t think you\'d be 
> >>able to access it without my password.  I\'d rather just email
> >>you the source code, if you don\'t mind.
> >>
> >
> >Ok, send it to me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >
> >

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

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