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Michel Rasschaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: Some of the project files may be under another license, documentation 
mainly which will be under the GNU FDL.
Package: Bothans
System name: bothans
Type: non-GNU

This project will be a monitoring system in the spirit of Nagios (http://nagios.org/) 
but It will focus on :
- Ease of installation (especially adding new monitored systems should be near 
plug\\\'n play).
- Multi-user capabilities (so a group of user could administrate some machines and 
view the status of others but not all)
- Distributable : It will be possible to have multiple servers who will auto-organise 
- Will use XML : for the buzzword effect ;) and for extensibility of the protocol too.
- Multi platform : will run on GNU/Linux but also on Windows, *BSD and several 
Proprietary Unixes (HP-UX and AIX mainly)

Current state (not functional) : http://ngmtsrv1.neocles.com/~freeman/bothans.tar.gz
The GPL is included in this package but the copyright is not mentionned in all files 
yet. It will be before upload on savannah.

There is some documentation in Word Format but it will be converted to Latex before 
being uploaded on savannah.

Other Software Required:
* Python (2.2 for now)
* PyRXP : Python interface to
* RXP : XML Parser
and later a Database ( MySQL probably or maybe SAP DB).

For documentation : Latex
For design : ArgoUML or Poseidon UML Community Edition
ArgoUML (http://argouml.tigris.org/) is a modeling software made in Java under the BSD 
license (without advertising clause). Poseidon UML (http://www.gentleware.com/) is 
proprietary software based on ArgoUML. The Community Edition is available free of 
charge. The use of these software is not at all necessary to use or participate to the 
bothans project.

Other Comments:
Projet already reviewed once by Mathieu Roy.

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