
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.


> A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Michel Rasschaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: Bothans
> System name: bothans
> Type: non-GNU
> Description:
> This project will be a monitoring system in the spirit of Nagios 
> (http://nagios.org/) but It will focus on :
> - Ease of installation (especially adding new monitored systems should be near 
> plug\'n play).
> - Multi-user capabilities (so a group of user could administrate some machines and 
> view the status of others but not all)
> - Distributable : It will be possible to have multiple servers who will 
> auto-organise themselves
> - Will use XML : for the buzzword effect ;) and for extensibility of the protocol 
> too.
> - Multi platform : will run on GNU/Linux but also on Windows, *BSD and several 
> Commercial Unixes.

Note that commercial does not mean proprietary. 
Free Software can be "free as in beer" but it means free
as in freedom. And so, it can be commercialized.
For instance, while RedHat sells a distribution, it can be
seen as commercialization of software and it's still Free
Software; there are no conflicts with the free licenses.

> Current state (not functional) :
> http://ngmtsrv1.neocles.com/~freeman/bothans.tar.gz

In order to release your project under the GPL you
should write copyright notices and copying permission
statements at the beginning of every source-code file, and
include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL
(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt). Copy it for instance
into a file named COPYING.

Please follow the advice of http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html

The GPL FAQ can also help you understand the reason behind
thoses recommendations. For example, there is an entry explaining
why the GPL requires including a copy of the GPL with
every copy of the program:

> There is some documentation in Word Format but it will be converted
> to Latex before being uploaded on savannah.


> Other Software Required: * Python (2.2 for now) * PyRXP : Python
> interface to * RXP : XML Parser and later a Database ( MySQL
> probably or maybe SAP DB

SAP DB? You did read the last gnulinuxmag france, didn't you? :)

> For design : ArgoUML or Poseidon UML Community Edition


Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned
above. The way we handle pending projects makes it difficult to keep
track of projects that have been answered but have not been approved
yet, so we erase them and we ask you to register the project again every
time some change has to be done to the registration, and users might
have to register their projects several times. Thank you for your

Some users find it useful to use the big re-registration URL provided in
the acknowledgment e-mail you received after registration.


Mathieu Roy
 << Profile  << http://savannah.gnu.org/users/yeupou <<
 >> Homepage >> http://yeupou.coleumes.org           >>
 << GPG Key  << http://stock.coleumes.org/gpg        <<

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