The mode/res/size go down to the scanner in the set window command, 0x24. That command is fairly standard across SCSI scanners of all brands. The 0xe5 is probably only going to change with more esoteric options, like buffering or multifeed or staple detection. The canon-provided sane driver may not expose all those options, but the windows driver probably does.
allan On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Philip Gwyn <philipgwyn at> wrote: > OK, now I've looked at the diffs. And I can't figure out what's going on. > The E5 blocks never change. The only difference between all the resolutions > and modes is that sometimes 28 (READ) command changes (read length). > > But the scanner is sending more or less data depending on the resolution, > mode and size. So that scanner knows, but its not showing up in the pcap... > > -Philip -- "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"