Le 14/06/2012 11:16, Jay Christnach a ?crit :
> Thanks for the quick reply, Stef.
> To remind the other people who may read this: The symptom is that the 
> led array of the scanner doesn't turn on, although the scanning 
> assembly does the normal movement scanning the page.
> Attached is the stderr from xsane while having the environment 
> variables set as you said.
> best regards.
> On 06/13/2012 09:39 PM, stef wrote:
>> In order to find where your problem comes from, you could run your 
>> frontend like simple-scan, xsane or scanimage with debug messages 
>> enabled. In a command shell type (provided you are using xsane):
>> export SANE_DEBUG_GENESYS=255
>> export SANE_DEBUG_GENESYS_GL847=255
>> xsane 2>debug.log
>> Then the debug.log file will contain messages that should help find 
>> what is happening.
>> Regards,
>>          Stef

     unfortunately, there is nothing obvious in the log. The version 
running is build 63 from SANE 1.0.22. The genesys backend has been 
improved recently. It would be great if you could test this new version 
that will part of the 1.0.23 release which is due in a couple of months.


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