Hi Ilia, First I scanned a two page test document (first page 8.5 by 10.0 inches and the second page 8.5 by 11.0 inches, both verified with a steel rule) with the hp7650 attached to a win2k machine. All worked at 150, 200, 300, 600, and 1200dpi.
I next scanned with the hp7650 attached to an Ubuntu 10.04 server under sane and controlled by an Ubuntu 10.04 laptop running xsane. A representative scan is attached and named scan_tst_linx1004_color_300dpi_2pg_03jun10.pdf, with the settings indicated in the file name. I scanned the two page test document as lineart and the scanner worked up to 1200 dpi; a representative scan is file scan_tst_linx1004_lnart_1200dpi_2pg_03jun10.pdf. Evidently the problem is linked to only color scans greater than 300dpi. I also scanned the two page test document from an Arch Linux laptop with debug options enabled, with the results in hp5590_0.log. Next I scanned the two page test document as lineart at 100dpi from the Ubuntu laptop with debug options enabled, with the results logged to hp5590_a.log. Next I scanned the two page test document as color at 300dpi from the Ubuntu laptop with debug options enabled, with the results logged to hp5590_b.log. Finally I scanned the two page test document as color at 600dpi from the Ubuntu laptop with debug options enabled, with the results logged to hp5590_c.log; the scanner locked up part of the way into scanning the first page and the scan had to be canceled. Something was continually writing to the log file; I had to control "c" at the command line to get it to stop. When I allowed the writing to continue for a longer period, I still had to control "c" to get it to stop and the logfile had grown to 1.3Gb. The two pdf files and the four scan logs attached to six following emails - I seem to be having some sort of email limit problem. Let me know if you get all the attachments, and feel free to contact me with any questions, -- Michael J Eurice