
First of all, thanks for your quick answer. Unfortunately 
SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA gave absolutely no about at all. I then started scaned 
from the console with option -d128.

This is the output I got:

kangaroo:~# saned -d128
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
[saned] saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.1.0-cvs starting up
[saned] do_bindings: trying to get port for service "sane-port" 
[saned] do_bindings: [0] socket () using IPv4
[saned] do_bindings: [0] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [0] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [0] listen ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] socket () using IPv6
[saned] do_bindings: [1] socket failed: Address family not supported by 
[saned] run_standalone: waiting for control connection
[saned] handle_connection: processing client connection
[saned] check_host: access by remote host:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK nor IN6_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname: kangaroo
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS): kangaroo.pyramid.lan
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS): (null)
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS): (null)
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such 
file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# saned.conf'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# The contents of the saned.conf 
  file  is  a  list  of  host  names,  IP'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# addresses or IP subnets (CIDR 
notation) that are permitted to use local'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# SANE devices. IPv6 addresses 
must be enclosed in brackets,  and  should'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# always  be specified in their 
compressed form.'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# The hostname matching is not 
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#scan-client.somedomain.firm'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#[2001:7a8:185e::42:12]'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#[2001:7a8:185e::42:12]/64'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `#'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# NOTE: /etc/inetd.conf (or 
/etc/xinetd.conf) and'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# /etc/services must also be 
properly configured to start'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# the saned daemon as documented 
in saned(8), services(4)'
[saned] check_host: config file line: `# and inetd.conf(4) (or 
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in 
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to pascal at
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 2
[saned] process_request: access to resource `pixma' granted
[saned] process_request: sane_open returned: Success
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 4
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 7
[saned] start_scan: using port 57209 for data
[saned] process_request: waiting for data connection
[saned] process_request: access to data port from
[saned] do_scan: start
[saned] do_scan: processing RPC request on fd 4
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client

[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: read 2548 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: select_fd was closed --> EOF
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 2552 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 2552 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: statuscode `End of file reached' was added to buffer
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 5 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 5 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: done, status=End of file reached
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 7
[saned] start_scan: using port 46787 for data
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 8
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 3
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 10
[saned] bailing out, waiting for children...
[saned] bail_out: all children exited

hope that helps
Many thanks Pascal

nicolas.martin at wrote:
> So you get this issue when pixma backend is called from saned, but not 
> when called directly from scanimage.
> Could you get some logs from the backend.
> To get traces using saned, proceed like this (this is how I do):
> - stop the saned daemon (or inetd, xinetd if called by those)
> - under the root account:
> # export SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA=10
> - restart the saned daemon (or through inetd, or xinetd)
> Then from a net client, run the scanimage command.
> On the scan server, you should get logs in the syslog file 
> /var/log/syslog, lines starting with [pixma]
> Please cut/paste in a file and post
> Nicolas
> Pascal Seiler <pascal.seiler at> a ?crit :
>> I have configured a Canon PIXMA MX 310 (Printer/Scanner/FAX) on a Debian
>> Etch server. SANE version is  1.1.0-cvs from 2008-09-30.
>> When I try to scan multiple pages using the Automatic Document Feeder
>> the jobs fails after the first page with the following error:
>> scanimage: sane_start: Invalid argument
>> Scanning single pages works with ADF as well as Flatbed and multiple
>> pages works with Flatbed. scanimage on the server itself works when
>> scanning from the local scanner, when trying to scan from net even on
>> the server itself, the same error occurs.
>> This is the output from debug whe scanning over the network:
>> ....
>> ....
>> ....
>> scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 36/255
>> scanimage: read 26267904 bytes in total
>> Scanned page 1. (scanner status = 5)
>> Scanning page 2
>> [dll] sane_start(handle=0x8090248)
>> scanimage: sane_start: Invalid argument
>> [dll] sane_cancel(handle=0x8090248)
>> [dll] sane_close(handle=0x8090248)
>> [dll] sane_exit: exiting
>> ....
>> ....
>> and this is the same, but scanning from the local scanner:
>> ...
>> ...
>> ...
>> Scanned page 1. (scanner status = 5)
>> Scanning page 2
>> [dll] sane_start(handle=0x8053b40)
>> [dll] sane_get_parameters(handle=0x8053b40,params=0xbfaf8eb0)
>> [dll]
>> sane_read(handle=0x8053b40,data=0x806d258,maxlen=32768,lenp=0xbfaf8edc)
>> ...
>> ...
>> ...
>> -- 
>> Pascal
>> -- 
>> sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
>> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password"
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