On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 20:46:08 +0100
Julien BLACHE <jb at jblache.org> wrote:

> Alessandro Zummo <azummo-lists at towertech.it> wrote:
> >> Then motivation, or, more probably, lack thereof, will solve
> >> that. Sort of.
> >
> >  .. can't follow, can you elaborate?
> People on one side or the other will get demotivated, which will help
> (or not) one side or the other to prevail, eventually fixing that
> problem in the worst possible manner.

 well. if that's the solution then the sooner we go for it,
 the better.

 as I said, I'm absolutely willing to port epson2, coolscan3
 and tiffscan to SANE2. 

 But, please, if SANE2 is not going to happen in a somewhat near future,
 then let us go ahead in the other direction.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Torino, Italy


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